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10 Reasons Why Galapagos is Worth Visiting

- By:Author Rebecca Braak

Galapagos Feature Image

Visiting the enchanted islands is a life-changing experience. Here are 10 reasons why Galapagos is worth visiting. Once you see the islands in all their glory you will not want to leave!

1. It’s Not Just Another Beach Getaway

Puerto Chino Beach ,Galapagos with marine iguana.

Puerto Chino Beach ,Galapagos with marine iguana.

First of all, the Galapagos Islands are unique and every beach has its own personality. Have you heard of red beaches? In Rabida, you will be surrounded by natural unharmed beauty, not a human trail to be seen. So, every time you step out onto a new beach there will be a feeling as if no one had touched that land before, and that’s what made it truly incredible

2. Staying on the Galapagos is Easy and Inexpensive

Rebecca's Kids at the hotel

Rebecca’s Kids at the hotel

There’s room for everybody! Consequently, in Galapagos, housing is not an issue, there are many beautiful hotels that you can stay in, and that are totally worth it. Once in Ecuador, plane tickets are also fairly reasonably priced

3. Every Season in Galapagos is Worth Visiting

Sea Lions at San Cristobal.

Sea Lions at San Cristobal.

Why Galapagos is worth visiting? It is right on the equator, meaning sunshine for 12 hours a day, 356 days a year, it really can’t get better than that! Also, that means the seasons don’t have crazy changes, so, no matter when you visit, it will always be amazing.

4. See Darwin’s Theory of Evolution for yourself

Galapagos Finches.

Galapagos Finches.

Additionally, when you’re in Galapagos it’s possible to follow Darwin’s journey of the islands for yourself and take a trip back in time and experience everything just as he did. It is even possible to see the differences between the species on each different island that you visit and witness this evolutionary evidence

5. The Beauty of The Galapagos Islands is Accessible With a Tighter Budget

Kids and Blue Footed Boobie at Los Tuneles in Isabela.

Kids and Blue Footed Boobie at Los Tuneles in Isabela.

Transportation between the populated islands of San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz, and Isabela, is not difficult to do. Once you are on one of these islands, there are so many places you can visit onboard a cruise. You can go to a beach, a giant tortoise reserve, a lava tunnel, or Las Grietas.

6. The Food is Insanely Good, and The Seafood is So Fresh

Kioskos, food market in Santa Cruz.

Kioskos, food market in Santa Cruz.

Since tourism is so important in Galapagos, so is the food, and so many restaurants are here to impress you! Clearly, there are numerous options for everyone, from carnivores to vegans, and chefs are very accommodating to personal needs and requests. One shining star in the islands is the seafood, everything is caught fresh daily and straight from the island waters. Do not miss the opportunity to try the famous Ecuadorian ceviche.

7. Locals Love to Help Because They Love Their Islands

Galapagos Guided Excursion.

Galapagos Guided Excursion.

Its people really take care of their islands; you can see that through the love they put into preserving the natural beauty of each destination. Since 97% of the archipelago are national parks, with every natural place you visit, you will be accompanied by a naturalist guide who has extensive knowledge of the area and its flora and fauna. Definitely, they care so deeply about their parks, you can see that in the way they talk about the islands, and it truly makes the experience one you will never forget.

8. The Galapagos Wildlife Has no Fear

sealions at Galapagos Islands

Sealions at Galapagos Islands

Particularly, once you see the behavior of the wildlife in the Galapagos, you will be amazed. On the islands, everywhere you go, you can see sea lions lounging so close to you, without a care in the world, some even brave enough to walk all over and investigate your belongings if you leave them unattended. Also, there are stingrays swimming so close you can feel the movement of the water beneath their bodies. Without a doubt, it is something you have to experience in your lifetime, the feeling of you and the animals living in harmony!

9. It can give you the Chance to Disconnect and Reconnect with Yourself

Maggy at the Galapagos Islands.

Maggy at the Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos gives you the chance to appreciate the natural beauty. Therefore, you will be able to embrace every little adventure. It is a wonderful opportunity to connect with yourself and nature. Actually, everyone needs that breath of fresh air once in a while! Right?

10. Galapagos has a Little Bit of Something for Everyone!

Mirjam Snorkeling in Galapagos

Mirjam Snorkeling in Galapagos

Hiking, swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, diving, biking, relaxing, boat riding, wildlife watching, you name it, Galapagos has it! Certainly, there is no shortage of activities and excursions that will catch anyone’s interest, and you will never be bored on these islands.

In conclusion, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that can change the way you appreciate the world around you and that is why Galapagos is worth visiting

By: Kelsey G.

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